National parade on the Independence Day will affect traffic in Oulu on 5.–6.12.

The national parade on the Independence Day will contribute to changes affecting traffic and parking in Oulu on 6 December 2023. We recommend that you arrive on foot, by bicycle or public transport in the venue area.
The parade arrangements will start in Oulu on Monday 4.12. The main part of the parade troops, vehicles and equipment will arrive in Oulu during 5.12. before noon, and their departure from Oulu will be on Wednesday 6.12. following the event.
The most visible changes concerning traffic and parking arrangements on the Independence Day will be in the area of Raatti stadium, Merikoski bridges and the market square. Additionally, parade troops will be seen in the area of Ouluhalli during 5.–6.12.
For sustained safety of the public and of the parade troops and due to parade arrangements, streets will be closed off from vehicle traffic in the event areas, and parking bans will be applied on affected streets and in parking areas. The traffic restrictions will be terminated as promptly as possible following the event.
For the duration of the parade, local public transport will move on alternative routes. More specific information on route and stop changes as applicable will be available closer to the event period at
Parking and traffic restrictions in Oulu during 5.–6.12.
Parking and traffic restrictions on 5.12. will include the following:
- From 07:00 onwards, parking will be forbidden on Linnankatu, Linnansaari, Koskitie west of Merikoskenkatu, Raatinsaari, in the area of the market square and on Rantakatu. The restrictions will apply until 6.12. at 15:30.
- Access to Kivisydän is possible.
Parking and traffic will be restricted on 6.12. also, as follows:
- From 11:45 onwards, vehicles of the motorised detachment of the pass in review will be on the move on Hiukanreitti – Raitotie – Alakyläntie – Kemintie. This will not impede other transport.
- During 11:30-13:30, the pass in review route on Merikoskenkatu, Linnankatu and Kajaaninkatu will be closed off from vehicle traffic.
- For the duration of the pass in review, traffic will be restricted in Pikisaari and Toivoniemi.
- At 12:00-13:45, the route on Raatintie – Linnabaana - Koskitie – Merikoskenkatu crossing will be reserved for the use of the dismounted detachment of the pass in review.
Traffic arrangements relating to the review of troops and pass in review on 6.12.
We welcome the public to see the review of troops at Raatti stadium in the main stand and in the stand of aurinkokatsomo. Pedestrians are asked to use the pedestrian pavements. The stadium’s parking area will not be available for the public, and no other traffic will be allowed on Raatintie.
After the review of troops, the dismounted detachment will advance from the stadium to the start line of the pass in review on route Raatintie – Linnabaana - Koskitie – Merikoskenkatu. The vehicles participating in the pass in review will advance to Merikoskenkatu on route Hiukanreitti – Raitotie – Alakyläntie – Kemintie.
The Police and Military Police will control traffic on the pass in review route. The pass in review will start at 13:00 at the crossing of Merikoskenkatu and Koskitie led by the dismounted detachment. The pass in review will advance on Merikoskenkatu to Linnankatu to Kasarmintie for the dismounted detachment, and for the motorised detachment to Linnankatu to Kajaaninkatu. The site of the pass in review receiving podium will be on the bridges of Merikoski.
The pass in review will affect the usability of the pedestrian crossings on Merikoskenkatu. To ensure sustained pedestrian safety, crossing any closed off streets or movement thereon will be strictly forbidden during the pass in review. The public is asked to consider that the dismounted detachment of the pass in review will be followed by the motorised detachment.
The Military Police and Police will control traffic in the area in key crossing points.
The return marches will be on the move primarily on Main Route 4 south and north, as well as on Main Route 22 to Kajaani during the course of the afternoon and evening of 6.12.
The event will be free of charge, and we welcome the public to follow the day’s events.
The public is reminded that the parade area is a no-flight zone and that drone activity is strictly forbidden for sustained event safety.
Additional information on the programme for the day
The parade can also be followed online on the Finnish Defence Forces’ channels:
The Finnish Independence Day
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