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Kolme NH90-kuljetushelikopteria lentotehtävässä

Contact information

Utti Jaeger Regiment
PO Box 5
FI-45411 Utti

Telephone exchange: +358 (0)299 800
Street address: Aarnikotkantie 1, 45410 Utti


E-mail addresses of the regiment

[email protected]    
Official business, information requests, visitation requests

[email protected]  
Access to the military area, access permits
 - Security Secretary tel. +358 (0)299 417 204
 - Security Officer tel. +358 (0)299 417 200

Telephone notifications and feedback concerning the regiment’s operations (exercises, flight operations, etc.)
 - tel. +358 (0)299 417 900

[email protected]
Entrance examination (paratroopers)
 - Selection Secretary tel. +358 (0)299 417 265

[email protected]
Entrance examination (Special Forces Qualification Course of the Defence Forces)
 - Selection Secretary tel. +358 (0)299 417 265

Commanding Officer of the Utti Jaeger Regiment, Colonel Kimmo Nordberg

Chief of Staff, Lieutenant Colonel Pasi Autio

Executive Secretary Eeva Kuuri-Riutta, tel. +358 (0)299 417 111

Communications, media relations  
Public Affairs Officer Pia Enroos, pia.enroos(at), tel. +358 (0)299 417 112


Send mail to a conscript
Name of the conscript
Unit of the conscript (Support Company or Paratrooper Company)
Utti Jaeger Regiment
PO Box 5
FI-45411 Utti