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Exercise Kehä 2/24 aims at getting prepared for facing disturbance situations in Uusimaa

Exercise Kehä 2/24 aims at getting prepared for facing disturbance situations in Uusimaa

The Guard Jaeger Regiment will lead the Kehä 24 local defence exercise in the Helsinki metropolitan area and the region of Uusimaa from 31 August to 6 September 2024. The exercise will focus on local defence and cooperation with other authorities.
22.8.2024 | 13.30
Army to hold an exercise on the defence of Uusimaa in late May

Army to hold an exercise on the defence of Uusimaa in late May

The Guard Jaeger Regiment will lead the Sapeli 1/24 exercise in South Finland on 24–31 May 2024. The exercise will involve ca. 4,900 soldiers and ca. 900 vehicles, which will also include battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.
13.5.2024 | 10.45
Mortar company duties require own initiative, patience and sense of situation

Mortar company duties require own initiative, patience and sense of situation

The mortar company of the Jaeger Brigade has continued conducting live fires in the exercise Northern Forest 21. This involves two fire platoons as well as the combat service supply and HQ platoons. During the exercise, the mortar platoons got to operate the heavy mortar 120KRH92 to fire smoke and fragmentation grenades. 
22.5.2021 | 20.48
Finnish Army readiness is developed and sustained in all situations

Finnish Army readiness is developed and sustained in all situations

The Finnish Army ensures continuity and readiness of its activity in all situations. Currently, exceptional circumstances and the prevailing COVID-19 situation impose restrictions on the planned Army training activity, which has been adapted to prevent the coronavirus from spreading. Under these challenging circumstances, the Army will continue to do its utmost in ensuring that individuals’ and troops’ competences develop and that the troops meet their set training requirements.
28.4.2020 | 8.42