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About us

Karttakuva, jossa näkyy Lounais-Suomi ja sen sisällä Varsinais-Suomen, Satakunnan, Pohjanmaan, Etelä-Pohjanmaan ja Keski-Pohjanmaan maakuntien rajat. Karttaan on merkitty tornileijona-logolla Porin prikaatin toimipaikat ja varuskunnat jotka sijaitsevat Vaasassa, Niinisalossa, Säkylässä ja Turussa. The most important tasks of the Pori Brigade are the training of wartime troops, the management of conscription matters in Western Finland and the implementation of executive assistance provided by the Finnish Defence Forces in Western Finland.

In addition to defending Finland, the Pori Brigade trains soldiers for demanding crisis management tasks around the world. The Pori Brigade is also trained by Finnish international Rapid Deployment Force, which is a unit that has received special training for crisis management tasks.

In addition to mass production and the provision of executive assistance, the brigade's duties include maintaining operational readiness, training, research and development activities of salaried personnel, and supporting voluntary national defence training and national defence work.

The brigade trains more than 4,000 conscripts annually and supports the reservists' voluntary exercises and training events.

The Pori Brigade is also responsible for the recruitment of reservists to be sent to crisis management operations and personnel matters for the crisis management forces.

The commander of the Pori Brigade is Brigadier General Jami Virta.