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A series of pictures with the first one being a potter in a snowy forest. The soldier comes out of the pot and pulls the sleeping bag over himself. The sleeping bag is then packed in a backpack with a white protective hood.

Jaeger Brigade - For conscripts


Training in the Jaeger Brigade

The Jaeger Brigade provides training in two battalions, namely the Lapland Jaeger Battalion and Rovaniemi Air Defence Battalion. The aim is to train personnel for jaeger, mortar, headquarters, logistics, anti-tank, anti-tank missile, signals, engineer, reconnaissance and military police and ground-based air defence troops for the wartime organisation.

Lapland Jaeger Battalion

The Lapland Jaeger Battalion trains troops to have high operational capabilities for Lapland’s demanding circumstances. Because of high readiness standards, long distances, difficult terrain and extreme weather conditions, leaders and soldiers are required to be capable of initiative and to operate with endurance. In parallel with modern technology and efficient weaponry, skiing and frontiersman’s skills are among the basic skills trained in the Battalion.

The Lapland Jaeger Battalion comprises its Headquarters and five company-level units: The 1st Jaeger Company, 2nd Jaeger Company, 3rd Jaeger Company, Heavy Support Arms Company and Logistics Company

1st Jaeger Company

The 1st Jaeger Company operates as a high-level readiness unit, and it trains conscripts in their training phase for demanding infantry combat tasks in the attacking echelon in the HQ platoon, infantry platoons and logistics platoon. The unit’s leadership tasks include, among others, infantry platoon leader, forward observer, signal officer, infantry section leader, forward observation NCO, signal section leader, logistics NCO, medical NCO, and transportation NCO. In the 1st Jaeger Company, the military service time of all conscripts is 347 days.

The unit’s ranks and file duties include: jaeger (rifleman), machine gunner, sniper, designated marksman, anti-tank soldier (missile soldier), combat engineer, combat lifesaver, combat runner, signalman, forward observer, tracked vehicle driver, clerk, resupply specialist, and medic.

The 1st Jaeger Company’s key training equipment includes: light machine guns, NLAW, APILAS and LAW, sniper rifles, heavy machine guns, assault rifles (also with combat optics), anti-tank mines, shaped charges and directed fragmentation charges, tracked vehicles, all-terrain vehicles (or quad bikes), motorcycles, snow mobiles and a diverse range of signal and command and control equipment.

2nd Jaeger Company

The 2nd Jaeger Company is a high-level readiness unit in charge of training conscripts in their readiness phase. It is tasked with training and maintaining readiness and developing its capability. In addition to taking part in exercises in Finland, the Company also participates in bilateral and multinational exercises abroad.

In the course of the basic training period, The 2nd Jaeger Company selects the conscripts bound to be trained for tank platoon tasks. The training is carried out in the Armoured Brigade. The unit for the readiness phase is formed in December when the training phase in the 1st and 3rd Jaeger Brigades and Armoured Brigade comes to an end. In the 2nd Jaeger Company, the military service time of all conscripts is 347 days.

In the course of the basic training period, Jaeger Company’s main training equipment includes: main battle tank Leopard 2 A4, light machine guns, NLAW, APILAS and LAW, sniper rifles, heavy machine guns, assault rifles (also with combat optics), anti-tank mines, shaped charges and directed fragmentation charges, tracked vehicles, all-terrain vehicles (or quad bikes), motorcycles, snow mobiles and a diverse range of signal and command and control equipment.

3rd Jaeger Company

The 3rd Jaeger Company trains infantry men for demanding infantry combat tasks for HQ platoons, reconnaissance platoons and force-protection platoon. The unit also provides mini UAV section and ranger signaller training, as well as jaeger and signal tasks training for those in a wartime leadership role.

The leadership tasks in the Company include, among others, reconnaissance platoon leader, infantry platoon leader, force-protection platoon leader, signal officer, reconnaissance section leader, reconnaissance fire observer, infantry section leader, signal section leader and mini UAV section leader. The military service time of conscripts to be trained for leadership tasks is 347 days.

The unit’s rank and file tasks include: jaeger (assault rifle man), scout, sniper, designated marksman, anti-tank soldier (missile soldier), combat runner, signalman, tracked-vehicle driver, clerk and medic. Media training will start with contingent 2 /19. Conscripts with a suitable background will be selected for this training; their duties will involve photography and production of short films. The military service time for conscripts in the media sector is 255 days, while military drivers serve for 347 days and those in other rank and file tasks 165 days.

The 3rd Jaeger Company’s main training equipment includes NLAW, APILAS and LAW, sniper rifles, heavy machine guns, assault rifles (also with combat optics), anti-tank mines, shaped charges and directed fragmentation charges, tracked vehicles, all-terrain vehicles (or quad bikes), motorcycles, snow mobiles, mini UAVs and a diverse range of signal and command and control equipment.

Heavy Support Arms Company

The Heavy Support Arms Company trains mortar companies, infantry company light mortar platoons, anti-tank missile platoons and engineer platoons. The company has leadership tasks which include, among others, company officer, platoon leader and section leader tasks. The military service time for conscripts trained for leadership tasks is 347 days.

The Heavy Support Arms Company rank and file tasks include mortar gunner, signalman, gunner line soldier, missile and anti-tank soldier, engineer, combat runner, tracked-vehicle driver, heavy machinery driver and maintenance man. The military service time for rank and file is mainly 165 days. Rank and file medics serve for 255 days and military drivers 347 days.

The Heavy Support Arms Company has the following main equipment: heavy and light mortars, anti-tank missiles, rockets, different types of mines and mine clearing equipment, tracked vehicles, heavy machinery, all-terrain vehicles (quad bikes), motorcycles, snow mobiles, different types of radios, company signal stations and command posts.

Logistics Company

The Logistics Company trains logistics specialists for the battle group. Conscripts get trained for resupply, maintenance, transportation, medical, signal and military cook tasks. Conscripts trained to be leaders, truck or combination truck drivers serve for 347 days, medics for 255 days and conscripts in other logistics rank and file duties 165 days.

The Logistics Company’s main training equipment includes vehicles ranging from van to heavy all-terrain truck and heavy machinery, and vehicle-transported maintenance equipment. The training that conscripts have received in the civilian world is considered for selections. The Company also carries out garrison support tasks.

Rovaniemi Air Defence Battalion

The Rovaniemi Air Defence Battalion trains wartime troops for the three Services and Border Guard equipping them with high operational capability. The modern air threat sets high competence and readiness requirements on ground-based air defence troops. The logistics companies trained for the Air Force must be competent for supporting the battle of the Air Force. Training and exercises are conducted at an efficient pace to ensure that the challenges also posed by the circumstances in Northern Finland can be met. The Rovaniemi Air Defence Battalion is composed of its Headquarters and three company-level units. 1st Air Defence Battery, 2nd Air Defence Battery and Airbase Support Company

1st Air Defence Battery

The 1st Air Defence Battery provides training for different types of ground-based air defence tasks with missile, gun and command and control systems equipment. The main training equipment comprises the 90M Crotale surface-to-air missile, anti-aircraft gun 23ITK61 and a range of equipment (targeting radar, links and command vehicles) part of OPCEN 06. Conscripts in rank and file tasks serve for 165 days and those in leadership tasks 347 days. Rank and file tasks include, for example a range of 23ITK61 gun section tasks, forward observer, combat runner, cook, missile man and signal man. Rank and file drivers obtain a C-class driver’s licence, and they serve for 347 days. There are a number of leadership tasks including, for example, platoon leader, forward observation officer, signal officer, leader of missile and gun section, leader of reconnaissance section, and C2 leadership tasks requiring technical know-how.

2nd Air Defence Battery

The Air Defence Battery trains NCOs for ground-based air defence and military police tasks. The NCO Course includes the following programmes: missile and gun, forward observation and signals, logistics, and military police programme. In addition, the Battery trains the Jaeger Brigade’s military police personnel. The Battery assigns military police sections to the Lapland Air Command and the Headquarters of the Jaeger Brigade. They are tasked with guarding the Rovaniemi and Sodankylä garrisons. The period of service for leaderhip tasks is 347 days and for military police tasks 255 days.

Airbase Support Company

The Airbase Support Company provides training for different tasks in the logistics sector. The Company provides training for resupply and transport platoons, the paramedic platoon’s evacuation teams, support service and HQ platoons. The key training equipment includes different types of vehicles, equipment for moving, handling and maintaining materiel and medical materiel. The unit also includes the garrison’s conscripts on the military driving course, and aircraft maintenance conscripts. The military service time for rank and file tasks is 165, 255 or 347 days. The following, for example, come under rank and file tasks: combat runner, cook, clerk, logistician, fuel specialist, mechanic, military driver, medic and UAV operator. The leadership tasks involve leading sections. The Company is also responsible for conducting garrison support duties.