As a conscript in the Armoured Brigade
The Armoured Brigade offers a wide range of training options and training takes place in several battalion-level units. Training focuses primarily on mechanised infantry tasks but all Army branches are represented in the brigade. Depending on the task, a conscript will serve 165, 255 or 347 days.
Häme Armoured Battalion HÄMARMDBN

Häme Armoured Battalion trains soldiers for wartime mechanised and motorised battle groups. The battalion trains conscripts how to operate as Leopard 2A, BMP-2 or MTLBV crew, among other tasks. The battalion also trains tank mechanics, military police, motorcycle runners and reccereconnaissance, snipers and personal ordnance (taisteluvälinemies) menordnance specialists.
Jaeger Artillery Regiment JARTYREGT
The Jaeger Artillery Regiment trains conscripts and reservists in three branches: field artillery, infantry (mortar) and signals. The Jaeger Artillery Regiment offers interesting tasks, such as forward observer in the spearhead, or in the armoured howitzer battery and Mortar Company. It also trains conscripts to set up the field signals system and as mechanics specialised in armoured vehicles. The Jaeger Artillery Regiment's main materiel has just been digitalised upgraded and it is made up armoured howitzers and mortars with firepower as well as of tanks for command posts, signals, transport and forward observation.
Helsinki Air Defence Regiment HELADREGT
The Helsinki Air Defence Regiment's primary task is the air defence of the capital city region. The battalion trains conscripts to use the most advanced weapons and command systems in ground-based air defence. The eEquipment includes NASAMSasam 12 surface- to- air missile system, ground-based air defence tanks 90 (Marksman), target acquisition radars and ground-based air defence operational/commandfire-direction centres (FDC).
Parola Logistics Battalion PARLOGBN
Parola Logistics Battalion trains military drivers and personnel for maintenance tasks in mechanised and motorised battle groups as well as for tasks in wartime logistics' units.
In peacetime, Parola Logistics Battalion is responsible for the management of maintenance and services in the garrison. Logistics' training concentrates on practical aspects. Training from the civilian side is often of benefit. Conscripts can acquire skills and qualifications in the logistics battalion that they can then use as civilians, for instance while serving as military drivers or as mechanics specialised in heavy equipment.
Musicians, amateur musicians, people with skills required in the media sector as well as sound and lighting technicians can complete their military service or voluntary military service for women in the Conscript Band of the Defence Forces. The Conscript Band of the Defence Forces trains military musicians for wartime military bands. Auditions are held each year in April and 80 to 100 applicants get accepted into the Conscript Band. To apply for military service in the Conscript Band, do so in the application round for special forces. Applications close 31 December.
Electronic Warfare Training Centre
Electronic warfare refers to the reconnaissance and jamming of systems that emit electromagnetic radiation as well as the countermeasures with which friendly systems are protected. Electronic warfare is very much part of modern warfare.
The Electronic Warfare Training Centre trains conscripts for wartime tasks in the following: regional C4 units, electronic warfare, logistics and transport. The centre is subordinate to the Armoured Brigade and is located in Riihimäki.
Conscripts are trained as operators that use systems with state-of-the-art technology. Leadership training is also a significant component of conscript training. Electronic warfare tasks are included in the application round for special forces that takes place in April.