Over 8600 conscripts from the Defence Forces and Border Guard to the reserve

Defence Forces
Publication date 15.6.2023 9.00
Type:Press release

A total of 8,600 conscripts from the Defence Forces and the Border Guard will be mustered out into the reserve on Thursday, 15 June. 416 of those entering the reserve are women.

6,882 conscripts will be mustered out into the reserve from the Army, out of whom 359 completed the voluntary military service for women. 956 people who have completed their service in the Navy will be mustered out, 32 of whom are women, and 495 conscripts from the Air Force will be mustered out, 19 of whom are women. Of those mustered out, 278 are discharged from the Finnish Border Guard. Six of them are women.

The conscripts mustered out into the reserve having served for 347 or 165 days depending on their given training. Conscripts with a higher number of in-service days are qualified, for instance, for leadership or readiness unit tasks, whereas conscripts with a shorter time in service have developed skills for rank and file tasks.

Liablility for military service continues in the reserve 

The conscripts discharged today are the first ones being mustered out into the reserve Finland's NATO membership.The period of service of those being discharged was exceptional since it was the year in which Finland joined NATO. Many conscripts have been able to practice practical cooperation with new allies and international partners. 

Colonel Kari Pietiläinen, Chief of Training at the Defence Command, sends his greetings to those transferring to the reserve and highlights the importance of the reserve in the defence of Finland even as members of NATO: 

– You can congratulate yourself as the first age group to be discharged during the NATO membership. Your military service has now been completed, but your liability for military service will continue in the reserve. Finland's military defence rests on the shoulders of the reservists, and Finland's NATO membership does not change the significance of this. Even as a member of NATO, defending Finland is primarily the task of Finland and Finns.’ 

Colonel Pietiläinen, says that NATO membership will also have an impact on the future of the reserve. At the moment, all the impacts of membership on the training of the reserve have not yet been identified, but according to Pietiläinen, the objective is clear:  
– A competent Finnish reservist who is able to work together with international troops and organisations both during exercises and, if necessary, during the crisis. If necessary, your expertise must be available to be used by the Defence Forces, and it must be maintained. In addition to the Defence Forces' refresher exercises and voluntary exercises, military capabilities can be developed in voluntary national defence courses organised by the National Defence Training Association (MPK). 
Thank you to all those being discharged for your excellent service!
The new contingent will begin its service on Monday 3 July.