Training audience units will be on the move to Rovajärvi to the exercise LIST22

ArmyArmy Academy
Publication date 11.5.2022 9.57
Type:Press release
Military vehicle on the road, a reindeer along the road. Picture from May 2021 in Northern Finland.

A national FTX and LFX exercise of the Army, the exercise Lightning Strike 22 (LIST22) will be executed at the Rovajärvi (in Northern Finland) military range and training area on 16 – 27 May 2022. The training audience units will be on the move from the south to the exercise to Rovajärvi mainly along the highways 4, 5, 6, and on the national road 78 on 15.-17.5.2022.

The return marches will visible be on the same routes mainly on 25.-27.5.2022. Periodically, the transfers of troops and military vehicles may result in occasional congestion and discomfort to other traffic.

For the duration of the exercise on 16.-27.5.2022, military vehicles will be on the move on road 82.

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