Finnish Defence Forces’ new human resources strategy published

Defence Forces
Publication date 20.2.2024 15.14
Type:Press release
kuvituskuva, jossa kuva henkilöstöstrategian kannesta

With the new human resources strategy that entered into force on 1 January 2024, the Finnish Defence Forces’ has set clear targets and a development direction to ensure the allocation of an adequate number, quality, and will of personnel also in the future while responding to changes in the operational environment and professional life.

At the human resources strategy’s desired end outcome, the Finnish Defence Forces has at its disposal the necessary personnel to enable execution of the set tasks in all readiness states at home and overseas. Concerning the Finnish Defence Forces’ service personnel and persons liable for military service, the human resources strategy’s vision extends to the 2030s. 

The Finnish Defence Forces’ DCOS Personnel, Major General Rami Saari emphasises the key role of human capacity and capability.

– The Finnish Defence Forces’ capability will be enhanced by providing support to and reinforcing its core: the human being. The objective is that the Finnish Defence Forces is also in the future a strong and cohesive community which abounds in a good spirit and positive organisational culture.

The human resources strategy raises the need to invest in the availability, commitment, and competence ensurance of personnel in a changing society. Major Genral Saari raises the importance of a more flexible use of conscripts, and the utilisation of reservists’ specialist competence and knowledge. Through accession to the Alliance Finland undertakes to contribute to NATO functions and to assign personnel in its structures which opens up new international task possibilities for the Finnish Defence Forces.

The development measures defined in the human resources strategy will be implemented as controlled entities along the Finnish Defence Forces’ chain of command at all levels command and control.

The published human resources strategy is now available on the Finnish Defence Forces’ online site for familiarisation in Finnish, Swedish, and English.