Enhanced capability for anti-tank measures by new light anti-tank weapon

Soldiers’ capability for anti-tank measures becomes enhanced by procurement of the light anti-tank weapon 66 KES 12 and relating training weapon intended for every soldier’s use.
Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen has authorised the Finnish Defence Forces’ Logistics Command to sign an agreement with Nammo Lapua Ltd on the acquisition of the light anti-tank weapon 66 KES 12 and relating training weapon.
The light anti-tank weapon 66 KES 12 is every soldier’s standard service weapon that generates range and depth for conducting anti-tank measures. The light anti-tank weapon is especially intended for countering light armoured vehicles. In comparison with its predecessor LAW 66 KES 88, the light anti-tank weapon 66 KES 12 features significantly improved penetration and functionality, and can be equipped with a night vision sight and a laser sight.
- In the modern battlefield, nearly all equipment is armoured. The light anti-tank weapon stands for a simple, reliable and effective anti-tank weapon suitable for every soldier’s use. This acquisition ensures that all troops sustain enhanced anti-tank capability, Inspector of Infantry, Colonel Rainer Peltoniemi from the Army Command sums up.
The total value of the acquisition is circa EUR 26 million including the procurement options for 2021 and 2022.
The employment effect of the acquisition is altogether 11 person-years in Finland.
The Ministry of Defence issued a release on the acquisition on 12.10.2020.