RYSKE of the Jaeger Brigade’s readiness unit

Jaeger Brigade
Publication date 27.6.2024 11.25
Type:Press release

The training exercise RYSKE of the Jaeger Brigade’s readiness unit will be held in the area of Kaamanen–Näätämö on 22.−26.7.2024.

Held twice a year, the readiness unit’s training exercise RYSKE will measure the skills and readiness level of conscripts and service personnel. The exercise will be led by Deputy Commander of the Jaeger Brigade, Colonel Ari Mure.

–    RYSKE stands for the first more demanding exercise during the readiness phase of the readiness unit. This exercise will develop the unit’s capability for operating in terrain that differs from the usual. The Finnish Defence Forces, and the readiness unit in particular, must be capable of operating across the extensive regional area of Lapland, says Exercise Director, Colonel Ari Mure.

Convening participants from the Jaeger Brigade and Norwegian Armed Forces, the total strength of the exercise will be up to c. 250 personnel and 25 vehicles.

During the combined-arms training phase, exercise activity will be visible and audible in the area of Kaamanen–Näätämö. Blank drill ammunition and fire scenarios used as part of the training will cause noise in the area.

The training audience troops will be transferred to the area on Monday 22.7. to leave the area on Friday 26.7.

Damage incurred to real estate property will be compensated to its owner or holder in accordance with the determined equitable value. In case of damage, please report its quality and quantity by calling +358 299 452101 during the exercise, and +358 299 452 900 after the end of the exercise.