The importance of maintenance is highlighted during harsh weather conditions in the Hammer 23 exercise

Publication date 31.10.2023 17.20
Type:Press release
Kuvassa taistelija huoltamassa panssarivaunua.

The army's mechanized exercise Hammer 23 has begun with the main forces moving to Pohjankangas between Sunday and Monday. The co-operation between practicing troops will be the key element in the combat phase which begins on Wednesday 1st of November. The exercise starts by unit’s independent training phase where each unit practices independently for the last time before the combat phase begins. It’s important to practice every last detail in this phase so every unit is in its full potential.

The goal of this exercise is to improve combat division’s and batallions quick execution capability, cooperation between army branches, providing host country support and cooperation with the forces of the allied countries. To fulfill these goals the forces need to be able to function for the whole week. The maintenance of the equipment is important factor especially during the snowfall. The equipment will be maintained every day – weapons are cleaned and vehicles are checked always after the usage.

The most important form of maintenance is every soldier’s personal maintenance. The soldiers need to have enough rest to be able to function on daily basis in the physically challenging exercise. Support units provide enough food and water so the hunger won’t catch up in the battlefield. Waterproof equipment, change of clothes and layering will help to keep the soldiers dry and warm during the whole exercise.

The battle phase will be especially challenging in this exercise. The vision will be decreased because of the sudden snowfall and harsh wind. For the exercise to be successful the units must have precise co-operation between them as well as great spirit – the units ability to function will be tested in the coming days.