Sweden to join the Army Common Armoured Vehicle System programme

Publication date 14.12.2021 8.50
Type:Press release

The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) of the Swedish Ministry of Defence has officially stated its interest in joining the Finland-led CAVS (Common Armoured Vehicle System) programme.

The armoured wheeled vehicle programme of the Army started in 2019 as multinational collaboration activity together with Latvia and Estonia. Autumn 2020, the programme proceeded with Latvia to the research and product development phase. Latvia ordered the first lot of more than 200 armoured personnel carriers in August 2021. On that occasion, the Finnish Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen signed a letter of intent between the Finnish Ministry of Defence and Patria for commissioning altogether 160 new armoured personnel carriers to Finland in 2023. 

On 10 December 2021, the steering committee of the CAVS programme approved Sweden’s accession to the project. Still to be examined are the details relating to Sweden’s joining, such as becoming included in the contractual arrangements. More detailed objectives of Sweden as well as the specific timeframe will be worked out during further negotiations.

- The fact that Sweden joins the CAVS programme opens the door to further enlargement of the project. At the same time, this sends a strong signal that defence materiel collaboration between Finland and Sweden works and that there is a willingness to develop inter-nation interoperability and connectivity as well as Army combined operating capability.  In addition, Sweden’s joining the project will also result in cost-efficiency and improved national security of supply of all participating nations, Inspector of Infantry, Colonel Rainer Peltoniemi sums up the positive impact of Sweden’s accession to the project.

The Army will issue further releases as the project advances. The previous press release can be accessed here.

Further information will be available from the Army Command, Inspector of Infantry, Colonel Rainer Peltoniemi, tel. +358 299 800 (FDF switchboard)