Call-ups start in August - tips for how to get prepared

From 15 August to 15 December 2022, the Defence Forces’ regional offices will organise call-ups as specified in the Conscription Act.This year, male citizens born in 2004 will be summoned to call-ups.
The 2022 call-ups start on 15 August. The regional offices will organise 540 call-ups at 244 locations in the autumn.
In 2022, the total number of persons due to attend call-ups is around 36 900. This year, male citizens born in 2004 will be summoned to call-ups. Anyone from a previous year’s call-up ordered to be re-examined and those who have failed to attend their call-up without a legal impediment are also obligated to participate in call-ups. A person liable for military service must attend the call-up in person, unless specifically exempted from the call-up participation obligation by the regional office concerned.
The purpose of the call-up is to ascertain the call-up candidates’ fitness for military service and, based on this, make decisions concerning their service. At the call-up, future conscripts are informed of where and when they are expected to do their service. At the event, the young people are invited to express their preferences concerning their military service to the call-up board. The duration of your service will not be decided at the call-up. Your service time and task will be determined at the end of the so-called branch training phase. The duration of non-military (civil) service is 347 days.
Call-ups play an important social role. These events provide an opportunity for the Defence Forces to reach all of the male age group. The call-ups also involve distributing information about national defence liability and promoting public health. For the Defence Forces, the call-ups mark an opportunity to meet the call-up candidates in person. They also provide an opportunity for the FDF to keep in touch with municipalities and local authorities with an aim of developing comprehensive security and cooperation between authorities.
Future conscript, this is how to get prepared for the call-up day
Get familiar with the service tasks. Before the call-up, it is a good idea to think about your preferences concerning your military service. The Defence Forces has more than 600 versatile service tasks on offer; there is surely a suitable one for each and everyone. If possible, it would be a good idea to try to use the training and knowledge you have gained in civilian life, and your special interests, in military service. So, take a moment to think about what kind of tasks interest you and be ready to state your preferences to the call-up board.
Check the place and date of your call-up. You can find the date and location of your call-up in the call-up announcement on the Defence Forces website In case you already know that you will not be able to attend the call-up on the date specified or if you fall ill before it, contact your regional office and agree with them on what you should do to meet your call-up obligation.
Arrive at the call-up in time. Arrive in time and be prepared for the event to take the entire day. You will need take your identification and necessary medical and study certificates with you.
The application period for women’s voluntary military service closes on 15 January 2023
There is a separate application process for women wishing to apply to voluntary military service. Due to a new act which entered into force in June 2022, the application process for women’s voluntary military service was advanced by approximately six weeks. In the future, the application deadline is 15 January. In other words, the next application round for women’s voluntary military service closes on 15 January 2023. Additional information and application instructions are available here.
See also:
Application to special forces. At the call-up, you cannot to get assigned to any task which requires applying through the special application process. You may apply for most of the tasks also after the call-up and determination of your service unit. However, if you already know which particular special training unit you are interested in, it does pay off to say so and speak up at the call-up event.