Army armoured wheeled vehicle programme proceeds with Latvia

Publication date 26.5.2021 14.51
Type:Press release
Patrian 6 x 6 -panssariajoneuvo kesäisessä luonnossa.

The product development of the Army mobility enhancing armoured wheeled vehicle system has proceeded on schedule in cooperation with Latvia and Patria Land Ltd. A joint framework agreement is currently being prepared. Once the product development phase is completed, the first vehicles may be commissioned already later this year.

On 26 May 2021, Latvia organised a CAVS 6x6 “Patria” prototype presentation event in Adazi Training Area, Latvia. The event was attended from Finland by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Mr. Jukka Juusti, Inspector of Infantry, Colonel Rainer Peltoniemi from the Army Command, and President of Patria Land Business Unit, Mr. Jussi Järvinen.

Puolustusministeriön kansliapäällikkö Jukka Juusti puhumassa Latvian tilaisuudessa.

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Mr. Jukka Juusti.

- The value of each soldier`s life of Latvian Armed Forces is invaluable. 6x6 armoured wheeled vehicle system will provide safe transportation of personnel that can be used in any conflict scenario, stressed Minister of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, Dr. Artis Pabriks. For the first time, the Latvian defence sector has been involved in research and development of absolutely new combat equipment and I am honored that Finland is our partner, as it has always been primarily concerned with its defence and the technology has been adapted for this purpose.

- At this stage the project has been met with broad interest, and, in the transition to the construction phase of the joint project, it has an important, positive impact on defence materiel cooperation of Finland and Latvia as well as, on a wider level, of Baltic and Nordic nations. For Finland, the cooperation programme particularly contributes to national security of supply, and international interoperability, as well as strengthens competence in and sustainment of critical defence vehicle technology in Finland, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Mr. Jukka Juusti from the Ministry of Defence summarises.

- We are developing and manufacturing together with national defence equipment industry a new vehicle system that specifically meets the Army requirements, and thus securing the wheeled mobility of the most capable operational forces of the Army capable of operating across the nation well into the 2040s. The cooperation programme allows broader volume and cost-efficiency for the full life cycle of the vehicle system, Inspector of Infantry, Colonel Rainer Peltoniemi from the Army Command points out.

The project started in 2019 as Finland, Latvia and Estonia signed a letter of intent concerning the development of an armoured wheeled vehicle chassis platform. In late 2020, Finland, Latvia and Patria Land Ltd signed a product development agreement on an armoured wheeled vehicle system.

The project involves developing an armoured wheeled vehicle system, on the Patria 6x6 armoured chassis platform, which meets the jointly set requirements including a relating command post vehicle and an armoured personnel carrier, the latter of which is to be completed in autumn 2021.

Under the leadership of Finland, the joint product development aims to enable serial vehicle procurement. Decisions concerning any serial procurement acquisition will be taken later. The programme may still be joined by other countries. 

Our previously published release here

Photos: Patria and the Ministry of Defence