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Despite the corona period, conscripts gave good feedback in the final questionnaire – will to defend and service motivation on the increase

Defence Forces
Publication date 29.6.2022 11.12
Press release
kuva jossa varusmiehet ovat palautetilaisuudessa maastossa

For the persons liable for military service of the conscript contingent that mustered out in June 2022, the will to defend, satisfaction with service time and superiors, as well as trust in wartime unit capability are at a high level. On Monday 4 July, a new conscript contingent will start their service.

Filled out by each contingent, the final questionnaire datasets offer the Finnish Defence Forces an overview of conscripts’ views on the perceived quality of military training. Despite the restrictions and special arrangements implemented during the corona period, the conscripts’ experiences on the quality of training are very good. In fact, the averages of the five final questionnaires circulated over the course of the corona period (1/20-1/22) have been record high since the beginning of the millennium, and, so far, the results of the contingent that mustered out in July 2022 are the second best of all time.
On a scale from 1 to 5, for the conscripts of the contingent that mustered out in June 2022, the will to defend (4.4) and service motivation (3.9) were on the increase, and satisfaction with service personnel (4.3) and with service time (4.2) remained at a high level, whereas trust in wartime unit capability was at 3.9 on average. Of the conscript leaders, officer candidates received the grade point average 4.2, and section leaders that of 4.0. 
Feedback questionnaire datasets support development activity in the Finnish Defence Forces
The datasets accrued by means of the feedback questionnaires are key in developing training. The results of the feedback questionnaires are analysed at all command levels, from the Defence Command to the company-level units in the Defence Forces. In the long-term perspective, the results continue to be on the increase with no apparent negative impact induced by the corona period.
