National Parade on the Finnish Independence Day will affect traffic arrangement control in Lahti

Publication date 23.11.2021 13.22
Type:Press release

The national parade on the Finnish Independence Day will contribute to changes affecting traffic arrangement control and parking in Lahti from 5 to 6 December 2021. In particular, this concerns the site for the review of troops in the area of Kisapuisto, and the site for the equipment display at the market square and on Aleksanterinkatu, as well as the pass-in-review site on Vapaudenkatu. The parade troops and equipment will return to their home garrisons during the afternoon and evening of 6 December.

The arrangements of the national parade on the Independence Day will affect traffic arrangement control and parking in Lahti already on Sunday as the parade troops arrive in Lahti during the course of the morning, which may cause traffic congestion in the direction of Lahti on the main highways. On Sunday 5 December, motorised detachments of the pass-in-review will undertake training for the pass-in-review in the area of Urheilukeskus, Kartanonkatu and Hollolankatu. 

In the area, entrepreneurs and residents are asked to consider the changes resulting from the parade affecting traffic arrangement control and parking on 5 and 6 December. The public is asked to arrive on foot on site.   Access by vehicles to business and residential buildings in the area will be limited on both days. Movement on foot is allowed also on closed-off streets as instructed. Emergency vehicles can access all locations as usual. On site, the Police and the Military Police will direct the traffic.  

The public is invited to observe the parade along the route of the pass-in-review. Having passed the review podium, the pass-in-review troops will slowly divide into smaller detachments to ensure fluent advancement and for sustained security. The first dismounted detachment will take a turn from the march route at the phase line of Vesijärvenkatu, whereas the first motorised detachments will do so at the phase line of Kauppakatu. The final parade troops will march until Saimaankatu.

The parade troops will return from Lahti to their home garrisons on the Independence Day starting at 14:30. The disassembling of the equipment display at Kauppatori will start at 16.

Streets closed off from vehicle traffic


At 07:00 – 12:00 (Equipment transporter offloading)

  • Paasikivenkatu, Ståhlberginkatu, Salpausselänkatu and Teivaankatu until the power plant. 

At 13:00 – 15:00 (Pass-in-review training of motorised detachments)

  • Salpausselänkatu, Svinhufvudinkatu, Jalkarannantie from Svinhufvudinkatu to Kariniemenkatu, Kariniemenkatu from Kyösti Kallionkatu to Kartanonkatu and Kartanonkatu; traffic allowed in the direction of Hollola.
  • Hollolankatu from Kartanonkatu to Svinhufvudinkatu; traffic allowed on Hollolankatu in the direction of Lahdenkatu.


CLOSED-OFF STREETS FOR THE PASS-IN-REVIEW AT 07:00 – 12:00 (Deployment for the parade)

  • Kyösti Kallion katu, Salpausselänkatu, Svinhufvudinkatu, Jalkarannantie from Svinhufvudinkatu to Kariniemenkatu, Kariniemenkatu from Kyösti Kallionkatu to Kartanonkatu, Kartanonkatu. 
  • Jalkarannantie from Svinhufvudinkatu to Kariniemenkatu, Kariniemenkatu and Kartanonkatu; traffic allowed in the direction of Hollola until 11:00.

CLOSED-OFF STREETS FOR THE PASS-IN-REVIEW AT 12:00 – 14:30 (Pass-in-review)

  • Vapaudenkatu from Lahdenkatu to Vesijärvenkatu at 10:00 – 14:30
  • Vapaudenkatu from Vesijärvenkatu to Saimaankatu
  • Lahdenkatu from Sibeliuksenkatu to Kirkkokatu

CLOSED-STREETS AT 12:30 – 14:30 (On streets closed off from traffic, public movement on foot is allowed as instructed.) 

  • Fellmaninkatu
  • Rauhankatu from Hämeenkatu to Kirkkokatu
  • Mariankatu from Hämeenkatu to Kirkkokatu
  • Rautatienkatu from Hämeenkatu to Kirkkokatu
  • Vesijärvenkatu from Hämeenkatu to Kirkkokatu
  • Kirkkokatu from Vesijärvenkatu to Lahdenkatu

PARTLY CLOSED-OFF STREETS AT 13:00 – 16:00 (Equipment transporter loading following the pass-in-review)

  • Saimaankatu from Vapaudenkatu to Lahdenkatu, the right lane closed in the direction of Lahdenkatu, both lanes open in the direction of Vapaudenkatu. Equipment transporter loading will cause inconvenience to traffic. 
  • Kauppakatu from Vapaudenkatu to Lahdenkatu 
  • Lahdenkatu from Saimaankatu to Kartanonkatu. The right lane closed in the direction of the bus station. Both lanes open in the direction of Kivistönmäki. Equipment transporter loading will cause inconvenience to traffic.


  • Aleksanterinkatu from Rauhankatu to Vesijärvenkatu

Parking restriction areas


  • Paasikivenkatu on 5.12. at 07:00 – 6.12. at 18:00
  • Ståhlberginkatu at 07:00 – 12:00
  • Kartanonkatu at 11:00 – 16;00, right lane in the direction of Lahdenkatu


  • Paasikivenkatu on 5.12. at 07:00 – 6.12. at 18;00
  • Aleksanterinkatu from Vesijärvenkatu to Lahdenkatu at 05:00 – 17:00
  • Kartanonkatu at 06:00 – 16:00
  • Kyösti Kallionkatu at 08:00 – 16:00
  • Lahdenkatu, right side in the direction of Hollolankatu from Vesijärvenkatu to Kirkkokatu at 08:00 – 16:00
  • Kauppakatu, right side in the direction of Lahdenkatu from Vapaudenkatu to Lahdenkatu at 08:00 – 16:00
  • Saimaankatu, right side in the direction of Lahdenkatu from Vapaudenkatu to Lahdenkatu at 08:00 – 16:00
  • Parking area of the old bus station next to Kartanonkatu. No access to the parking area from the direction of Kartanonkatu on 6.12. at 06:00 – 16:00 (the area is cordoned off from Kartanonkatu).

Any vehicles parked in zones with parking restrictions will be towed to the nearest parking area available unless the vehicle driver is present in the vehicle’s immediate vicinity.

Information on the parade arrangements including traffic arrangement control and closed-off streets will be available for familiarisation in advance online at The parade arrangements are the responsibility of the Armoured Brigade.

Please observe the parade on site, or on the FDF social media channels:

  • Twitter@Puolustusvoimat

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