Army exercise PKS23 will bring combat engineers to the capital region

The Army-led exercise PKS23 will be held in the capital region during 28.8.–1.9.2023.
The objective of the exercise is to drill an Army readiness combat engineer platoon’s counter mobility, mobility and force protection abilities in a built-up area. The exercise will involve accruing information on the key capabilities of the military engineering service-branch, as well as presenting Finnish combat engineering expertise to national and international joint operation partners. Civilian and authority agency partners have been invited to the exercise with the opportunity to familiarise with the operating of combat engineer units and with solutions of the Finnish defence industry.
The exercise will be participated by units from the Guard Jaeger Regiment, Army Academy, Karelia Brigade, Armoured Brigade, Air Force, and the FDF Logistics Command. The exercise director will be Inspector of Military Engineering, Colonel Riku Mikkonen. The total strength of the exercise’s training audience will be up to c. 70 personnel.
Readiness exercise of the Finnish Defence Forces’ rescue branch, PVPETO23, will be held in the same area during 29.8.–2.9. The strength of the exercise will be up to c. 70 personnel, and the exercise will be led by Chief Rescue Jukka Hämäläinen from the Army Academy.
The training audience troops will arrive in the exercise areas on Monday 28.8. and leave on Friday 1.9.
The troops will operate in areas of Santahamina, Olari and Karamalmi, and at Malmi airfield. The exercise will cause noise daily at 8–20.
Follow the exercise on the Army social media channels – on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with #PKS23.