Nearly 23 000 young men received an order for military service

Army Command Finland
Publication date 17.12.2018 14.21 | Published in English on 18.12.2018 at 9.01
Type:Press release
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On 14 December 2018, the call-ups organised by the Finnish Defence Forces’ Regional Offices were completed. This time, the fitness of service of altogether approximately 23,000 young men was determined, and the subsequent orders for military service were issued. The ratio of those ordered for military service remained approximately at the level of that of the last few years.

This year, the call-ups mainly targeted the men born in the year 2000. A total of 469 call-up events was organised in altogether 249 different localities. The overall strength of the male age group population was circa 30,700 persons.

The number of males ordered for military service in this age group was 22,939 persons that equals 74,63 percentages of those liable for military service (in 2017: 75,71 %). The majority of those receiving the order for military service will begin their conscript service in the Finnish Army’s brigade-level units in the beginning of the year 2020 or, alternatively, during the three years following the given call-ups.

Altogether 9,19 percentages were exempted for health reasons (Class C) during peacetime (in 2017: 9,53 %). Furthermore, a total of 9,04 percentages was ordered to be re-examined for health reasons (Class E) in the call-ups (in 2017: 8,00 %).

A total of 3,35 percentages was exempted on the grounds of multiple citizenships (in 2017: 3,01 %). Altogether 1,39 percentages of the male age group applied for non-military (civil) service (in 2017: 1,43 %).

Through the call-ups all the way to the military service

It is worth preparing for the military service in advance by getting all civilian life matters sorted out, familiarising oneself with the military daily life and service tasks as well as focusing on getting fit. Both the service tasks and the start of service will be increasingly meaningful proportionate to the effort invested in being prepared for the service beforehand.

The brigade-level units offer a high number of service tasks. While in military service, it is possible to utilise one’s already existing competence, for example, in the medical and security branches. It is worth becoming familiar with the service tasks in detail well in advance. One’s own wishes can also be voiced by filling out the conscript questionnaire before the service start.

Application for the voluntary military service for women will close 1 March 2019

By the beginning of March 2019, women aged 18–29 may apply for the voluntary military service for women. Applying for the voluntary military service for women is possible at its earliest during the year in which the prospective applicant turns 18. The prerequisites for qualifying for the voluntary service include Finnish citizenship, 18-29 years of age as well as the state of health and personal suitability for military training. The application instructions for the voluntary military service for women can be accessed online at