Karjalan prikaatin valmiusyksikkö harjoitteli Iso-Britannian armeijan kevyen jalkaväkikomppanian C Coy of 2 Rifles Battlegroup'n kanssa Santahaminassa Kaartin jääkärirykmentin johtamassa harjoituksessa. The readiness unit of the Karelia Brigade is training with C COY from the 2 Rifles Battlegroup in Helsinki, Finland. Kiitos! Thank you!
Karjalan prikaatin harjoitusosaston johtaja,
kapteeni Lauri Mattila:
"Karjalan prikaatin valmiusyksikön ja UK’s Agile Task Force (2 Rifles Battlegroup) upea ja nousujohteinen yhteisharjoitus on päättynyt Helsingin Santahaminassa.
Monipuoliseen harjoitukseen on sisältynyt aseisiin ja varusteisiin tutustumista, asutuskeskustaistelua sekä taistelu metsämaastossa -harjoittelua. Harjoituksen kruunasivat joukkojen yhteiset jalkapallo- ja rugby-ottelut iltaisin.
On ollut hienoa huomata, että meillä on koulutuksessa paljon yhteistä pienistä eroista huolimatta.
Olen erittäin ylpeä Karjalan prikaatin valmiusyksikön taistelijoiden ja henkilökunnan osaamisesta sekä yhteistyökyvystä harjoituksessa. Yhteinen kieli löydettiin välillä sanoin, välillä elein ja välillä esimerkin avulla. Lopputulos ratkaisee!
Haluan kiittää myös Kaartin jääkärirykmenttiä sekä Panssariprikaatia tuesta harjoitukselle. Suurin kiitos 2RIFLES C COY yhteistyöstä ja hienosta harjoituksesta. Oli kunnia harjoitella kanssanne!"
Commander of Karelia Brigade’s Exercise Detachment
Captain Lauri Mattila
"A successful combined exercise between the Karelia Brigade Readiness Unit and C Coy of 2 Rifles Battlegroup in Santahamina, Helsinki is nearing its end.
The versatile exercise has included kit and weapon familiarization, operations in built-up areas and fighting in woods and forests. The exercise was capped off by football and rugby matches between the units in the evenings, and it has been wonderful to notice that we share many things in our training, despite small differences.
I am very proud of the skills and professionalism of the Readiness Unit’s soldiers and personnel in the exercise. Sometimes we used words to find a common language, sometimes it was gestures and sometimes it was by example. It is the end result that counts!
I also wish to extend my gratitude the Guard Jaeger Regiment and Armoured Brigade for their support during this exercise. The deepest of thank yous to C Coy of 2 Rifles Battlegroup for your cooperation and an excellent exercise. It was a great honour to train with you!".
Major Corder, C Company 2 Rifles:
"During the first week of deployment to Finland, C Company 2 RIFLES were partnered with the Karelia Brigade. The week started with stands to demonstrate our capabilities as a precursor for later joint-training and exercises. Training then focused around developing a shared understanding of each sides’ urban drills and woodland warfare Tactic Techniques Procedures (TTPs). All of the rifle platoons and attachments were partnered with their counterparts and worked up from fire-team to platoon-level actions. This culminated in joint platoon attacks by the end of the week".
Some quotes from soldiers from both sides below:
‘It was cool to get some training in with another nation and see how they work within the woodland environment. They made for tricky opponents as they like to frequently engage and disengage when cover allows to confuse their opponent. It was far harder than our usual training where the enemy can be quite static.’ – Rifleman from 9Pl, C Coy.
‘The Riflemen were great in the urban areas. They were virtually silent inside buildings and it was difficult to know when or where they were coming from. We will try to practise now to get to this level ourselves.’ – Platoon Leader from Alpha Platoon, Karelia Brigade.
Pictures and video:
Karjalan prikaati - Karelia Brigade | Facebook
Karjalan prikaati (@KarjalanPR) / Twitter
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/maavoimat/